Alright folks, Stephan is going to talk about what of his all time favorite games, Descent. Now, if you have heard of this game you probably know it is a huge 90 dollar box filled with more cardboard than a moving company with 6 additional expansions this game is something you find your rich friend to buy so you can bathe in it's glory. Anyway, outside of the impressive price tag this game is a dungeon delve and as I usually wish to bring you strategies to win games, this time I'm changing it up a bit to tell you how to enjoy this game to the fullest. It is a role-playing game at heart and as such your goal is more to enjoy than to win.
Now, to my overlords out there, this one goes to you. You are the most important role in making this game rich and engaging for your players. If you think this game is you versus the players, well, it's not quite the case. As in rpgs, you are not out to kill the party but make in challenging and engaging for them. Of course, in the game of Descent a player dying is not as serious because they can come back. So, I give you a list of ways to be the best overlord.
5. Spawning monsters. This is one of the most annoying issues for players. This prevents them from pushing forwards because more monsters appear in areas they can't see forcing them to rework their strategy. So, I say that this is a good challenge but don't overdo is. If the players are still in the first couple of rooms because you spawn so much, SLOW DOWN. There are other cards and them killing your monsters just drags out the game.
4. Description. I know that the text seems long and tedious to read, but this is an adventure for the players and the background is engaging and rich, the game designers spent time on writing it all out so you might as well read it. You are telling the story, though unlike in standard rpgs the story is laid out for you and you have rules to follow more closely.
3. Focusing. So, no one likes to be singled out in the game so try not to continually kill one character throughout the game because they are squishy. Killing each person equally is the best way to make everyone enjoy the game.
2. Build the dungeon ahead of time. If the dungeon is all laid out while you get down to playing it allows the players to just play the game not sit an watch you. There are a lot of pieces in this game and they don't provide you with the tools to organize the game so do it yourself. You will save much time and everyone will want to play this game whenever possible.
1. Judgement. If something comes up in the game that I have not mentioned, use your own judgement. Try and vote on the side of making this game enjoyable because and overlord that wins every game just pushes players from the game. If they win every once in a while they will not feel cheated, but don't pull punches too much you still want a challenge.
Alright all you overlords out their, read up on these 5 easy steps to make your game the best ever. Next time I shall review the players ways to defeat the dungeon. Stay tuned, and try not to lose hope in the game until it arrives.
Happy Gaming role-players.
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